Have you tried some of the delicious home-made treats from Wicklow Naturally member Daisy Cottage Farm?

Wicklow Naturally
Written by
Tue 20th April 2021

Have you tried some of the delicious homemade treats from Wicklow Naturally member Daisy Cottage Farm? In the foothills of the West Wicklow mountains, Lorraine is busy stirring up some delicious old fashioned favourites as part of her huge range of home-baked produce. Her classic Battenberg is a gluten-free version and is one of the tastiest, softest, melt-in-the-mouth teatime treats, proving that gluten-free doesn’t mean compromising on texture or flavour!

Meanwhile, she’s bringing Tea Brack back! A traditional Irish favourite, originally made without butter for those times past when resources were low, it’s now a beloved addition to the Irish tea table. Imagine a slice of Lorraine’s freshly baked Tea Brack with a mug of tea as an afternoon treat-a slice of heaven!

It’s not all about the sweet baking though. Lorraine’s baking mixes include Soda Bread mix and Brown Bread mix. Her savoury cheese and scallion bread is just one of the inspiring ideas for using her ‘Bottle of Bread’. Lorraine makes hers with homegrown scallions from her array of farm-fresh vegetables, from which she also makes an exciting range of jams and chutneys.

Spring is busy on every farm, but every day is a busy day on Daisy Cottage Farm, where the smell of fresh baking is reminiscent of a bygone age of delicious country cooking! Modern shoppers can enjoy a taste of this nostalgia by shopping for Lorraine’s wonderful produce at daisycottagefarm.ie/shop/.

Here you can choose between her range of freshly baked goods or choose some of her ‘Bottle of Bread’ mixes and have that wonderful smell of baking in your own kitchen! All you need to do then is put the kettle on…

Read more about Daisy Cottage Farm here.

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