Baked & Baking Products
Beers, Spirits, Liquors & Wines
- Powerscourt Distillery Ltd
- Wicklow Way Wines (Winery)
- The Great Eastern Brewing Company
- Glendalough Distillery
- Baileys Farm
- Wicklow Brewery
- Wicklow Wolf Brewery
- Garden County Distillery
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Bread & Pastries
- Grá Arán
- Críoch Catering
- Nick’s Coffee
- Glenview Hotel and Leisure Club
- The Happy Pear
- Killruddery House and Gardens
- Healthy Habits
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Cheeses, Milk, Butter and Yoghurts
Chocolate, Sweets, Cakes and Ice Cream.
- Críoch Catering
- Daisy Cottage Farm
- The Happy Pear
- Miena’s Nougat
- Nick’s Coffee
- Killruddery House and Gardens
- Glenview Hotel and Leisure Club
- The Chocolate Garden of Ireland
- Coconut & Moo Moo
- Healthy Habits
- Nibbed Cacao
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Herbs, Seasoning & Oils
- The Happy Pear
- Wicklow Rapeseed Oil
- O’Hanlon Herbs
- Le Paysan
- The Hemp Farm
- Ebb & Flow
- Hips and Haws Wildcrafts
- Old MacDonnell’s Farm
- Healthy Habits
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Juices, Teas & Coffees
- Brady’s Coffee Company
- Daisy Cottage Farm
- Catalyst Coffee
- Nick’s Coffee
- McCabe’s Coffee
- Nibbed Cacao
- Pine Cone Coffee
- Kilmullen Farm
- Ethical Origin
- The Happy Pear
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Organic Producers
- Nibbed Cacao
- Wicklow Way Wines (Winery)
- Healthy Habits
- Le Paysan
- The Happy Pear
- Garden County Organics
- Wicklow Wolf Brewery
- Castleruddery Organic Farm
- The Hemp Farm
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Origin Green Producers
Pre-cooked meals
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Sauces, Jams & Chutneys
- Caffrey’s Sauces
- Daisy Cottage Farm
- Ebb & Flow
- Janet’s Country Fayre Ltd
- Nick’s Coffee
- Mic’s Chilli
- Hug in a Bowl
- The Birds and the Teas
- Healthy Habits
- Old MacDonnell’s Farm
- The Happy Pear
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